This is midi2gmn online. Here you can convert your MIDI files into GUIDO MusicNotation. The conversion includes tempo-detection, voice-separation, quantisation, ornament-detection, key-detection, meter-detection and inferring of score elements like slurs and staccato markings. Please use the GUIDO Noteserver to display the GUIDO code as a score.
The midi2gmn algorithm is an implementation of results from the HEISENBERG project. A standalone commandline version of midi2gmn (Windows, Mac, Linux) can be downloaded from the midi2gmn download page.
Current version used = 1.4 (build 192)
This is the advanced setup page you can also use the easy setup page with less parameters to specify.
4. Please use the GUIDO Noteserver to display the GUIDO code as a score.
© by Jürgen
Kilian, last change